Pilates Instructors in Oakland

If you are looking to find Pilates instructors here in the East Bay Area, who are part of a global network of well-respected Pilates teachers and who have a direct connection to the original Pilates teacher, Joseph Pilates himself, then your search is over!

Not all certified Pilates instructors undergo the same training.  Each instructor in our Oakland studio sought out a program of certification which had a direct lineage to the original Pilates instructors:  Joe and Clara Pilates.

Beyond their original course of study, Pilates instructors at Bayside Pilates regularly engage in ongoing training.  Every member of our Oakland-based Pilates community is considered a lifetime learner, certified Pilates instructors and students alike. Visit their individual pages to learn more about each of our highly skilled instructors, and then get in touch to meet us in person.  We look forward to working with you!

Our Certified Pilates Instructors

Faye Stevenson

Owner, Expert Instructor